Hello, Photo Enthusiast.
You have landed on the home page of Foothills Photography Group - a fairly new club that's attracting photographers of all skill and experience.
The club's first meeting was on January 20, 2015, and was very well attended and since then it's been a very successful first year. We meet every third Tuesday at the Photography School at North Georgia Technical College in Clarkesville, GA.
We welcome ALL levels of photographers: From just beginning to seasoned professionals. Most of all, you will be with others in this area who are interested in photography.
Each month we will hear a speaker/expert in some field of photography. This first year the programs have been absolutely amazing.
Field trips, group shoots, demonstrations, people helping people (the Mentor Program), discounts on photo gear, and even opportunities to do community service -- these are just a few of the benefits of club membership.
We welcome new members. If you would like to join us please click on the Membership tab above and download the membership application. If you have questions or comments you can use the comment form below.
I hope to see you at a meeting soon!
Matt King
You have landed on the home page of Foothills Photography Group - a fairly new club that's attracting photographers of all skill and experience.
The club's first meeting was on January 20, 2015, and was very well attended and since then it's been a very successful first year. We meet every third Tuesday at the Photography School at North Georgia Technical College in Clarkesville, GA.
We welcome ALL levels of photographers: From just beginning to seasoned professionals. Most of all, you will be with others in this area who are interested in photography.
Each month we will hear a speaker/expert in some field of photography. This first year the programs have been absolutely amazing.
Field trips, group shoots, demonstrations, people helping people (the Mentor Program), discounts on photo gear, and even opportunities to do community service -- these are just a few of the benefits of club membership.
We welcome new members. If you would like to join us please click on the Membership tab above and download the membership application. If you have questions or comments you can use the comment form below.
I hope to see you at a meeting soon!
Matt King
Favorite Photography Websites:
Larrywinslettphotography.com - Our May 2018 speaker
photographertouch.com - Lots of good info, guides, advice
smjop.com - Smokey Mountain Journal of Photography - download present and past issues here
mejphoto.com Mark Johnson, photojournalism professor at UGA (presented our May, 2015 program)
jimloring.com (Jim presented our first program)
digital-photography-school.com (click on tips and tutorials)
davidduchemin.com (travel and outdoor)
blog.bretedge.com (travel, nature, and gear reviews)
richardcalmes.com (our March program presenter - world-class dance photographer)
http://www.mejphoto.com (Mark Johnson, Photojournalism Prof at UGA, our May, 2015 presentor)
www.stuckincustoms.com (Trey Ratcliff's site)
Larrywinslettphotography.com - Our May 2018 speaker
photographertouch.com - Lots of good info, guides, advice
smjop.com - Smokey Mountain Journal of Photography - download present and past issues here
mejphoto.com Mark Johnson, photojournalism professor at UGA (presented our May, 2015 program)
jimloring.com (Jim presented our first program)
digital-photography-school.com (click on tips and tutorials)
davidduchemin.com (travel and outdoor)
blog.bretedge.com (travel, nature, and gear reviews)
richardcalmes.com (our March program presenter - world-class dance photographer)
http://www.mejphoto.com (Mark Johnson, Photojournalism Prof at UGA, our May, 2015 presentor)
www.stuckincustoms.com (Trey Ratcliff's site)
Member Websites/Social Media:
John Martin's Blog: 'Landscape and Street'
Daniel Short's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ImageShorts/
Colby Moore's website: www.jcolbymoorephotography.com
Lane Gresham's Blog: elanegresham.blogspot.com
Lynn McCollum facebook: www.facebook.com/IconicImagesbyLynn
Bev Vycital's webpage and Facebook: www.bevsphotos.com www.facebook.com/BevVycitalPhotography
Danny Young's webpage: www.dannyyoungphotography.com
Rennie Marie's webpage: www.wingdreamer.com
Georgia Zumwalt's websites: www.Georgiazumwalt.com
Tom Vadnais: www.tomvadnais.com
Chuck Murphey: www.boywithcamera.com
John Mariana: www.jmariana.com
Tom Wilson: www.Tom-Wilson-Photography.com
Alberto Patino-Douce: www.fourbillionyears.com
John Martin's Blog: 'Landscape and Street'
Daniel Short's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ImageShorts/
Colby Moore's website: www.jcolbymoorephotography.com
Lane Gresham's Blog: elanegresham.blogspot.com
Lynn McCollum facebook: www.facebook.com/IconicImagesbyLynn
Bev Vycital's webpage and Facebook: www.bevsphotos.com www.facebook.com/BevVycitalPhotography
Danny Young's webpage: www.dannyyoungphotography.com
Rennie Marie's webpage: www.wingdreamer.com
Georgia Zumwalt's websites: www.Georgiazumwalt.com
Tom Vadnais: www.tomvadnais.com
Chuck Murphey: www.boywithcamera.com
John Mariana: www.jmariana.com
Tom Wilson: www.Tom-Wilson-Photography.com
Alberto Patino-Douce: www.fourbillionyears.com